Pollster Mark Halperin has issued a stark warning that the United States could face a significant mental health crisis if former President Donald Trump wins the upcoming election next month.

During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Halperin discussed the potential ramifications of a Trump victory and its effects on American society, particularly among those who opposed him.

Halperin indicated that the aftermath of a Trump win could lead to a surge in what he termed “Trump derangement syndrome” (TDS), suggesting that this phenomenon could be even more intense than it was in 2016. “I say this not flippantly, I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,” he stated.

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The pollster elaborated on the potential fallout, warning that tens of millions of Americans might feel disconnected from their country if Trump secures the presidency again.

He predicted that mental health professionals could become overwhelmed with requests for support as people grapple with the emotional and psychological impact of the election results.

Halperin also pointed to potential societal issues, including “trauma in the workplace,” increased “alcoholism,” and “broken marriages.”

“They think he’s the worst person possible to become president,” Halperin added. He characterized the expected TDS as “sustained,” “unprecedented,” and “hideous,” suggesting that it would persist for months following the election.

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Halperin voiced concerns about the level of “violence” that could arise in the wake of a Trump victory, claiming it would be unprecedented and challenging for even the most mentally healthy individuals to process in their daily lives.

He noted that many believe the support for Trump among fellow citizens represents “fundamental evil at the heart of their fellow citizens and the nation.”

The discussion around civil unrest following a potential Trump victory has been echoed by various commentators. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough recently claimed that Trump is preparing for “civil war.”

Scarborough characterized Trump and his family as “an increasingly desperate person, an increasingly desperate family, who is preparing for civil war. They just are.”

In contrast, a Rasmussen poll indicated that approximately four in ten voters believe a second American civil war is likely within the next five years if Trump does not win the 2024 election.

The poll revealed that while around half of likely voters view a civil war as unlikely, over 40 percent of respondents consider internal conflict to be “somewhat” or “very likely.”

The term “Trump derangement syndrome” became popular during Trump’s first term, describing the intense reactions from media and Democrats regarding Trump’s presidency.

As the 2024 election approaches, Halperin’s predictions suggest that TDS may intensify if Trump wins in November.

The potential for widespread mental health issues and civil unrest highlights the deep divisions within the country as the election draws near.

With emotions running high on both sides of the political spectrum, the ramifications of the upcoming election extend beyond policy debates, raising concerns about societal cohesion and mental well-being in America.

As the election date approaches, the national conversation is likely to focus on both the implications of Trump’s possible return to power and the overall state of American society in the wake of such a significant political event.

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